Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Bronner Brothers Mid- Winter Hair Show 2011

If you have never visited the Bronner Brothers Hair Show before make this year your first but not last! For the past 10 years I have attended the hair show and it is always a great place to get motivated. Hairstylist, Makeup Artist,  Business speakers etc. are all gathered for 3 days under one roof, The Georgia World Congress Center located in Atlanta,GA. This Beauty Extravaganza is not just for the beauty professional. If you are someone that enjoys what the world of Beauty and Fashion has to offer, then you too can appreciate this Power Packed* environment.

Tickets can be purchased at a discounted rate of $50 before January 15, 2011!! So make sure you act fast!!

If you have seen the movie Good Hair you will be familiar with the elaborate hairdos that these AMAZING hairstylists whip together. To be honest with you, I have no idea how they even think of where to begin with some of them.

I hope you enjoyed this blog and feel free to post comments or ask questions!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Covering Spider Veins ~ "Don't be ashamed to wear that short sexy dress!"

As we get older, you know things change with our body.  Out of no where you will see something decide to pop up on your beautiful skin. I completely remember my mom saying this to me and the thing is, when you are young, you just don't get it. Well after having 3 children, I began to notice "spider" veins develop on my legs. " Oh my", I thought. How in the world am I going to get rid of these things. Don't get me wrong, I believe in natural occurrences. It's just that I love my legs and I am sure you love yours too. I mean, let's admit it.. We want to be 16 forever!!

Well, one solution to "spider" veins ( the term alone annoys me lol) according to SHAPE magazine is to get laser treatments ( intense light energy used to collapse the vein). Now this will only be effective if you catch them before they turn into Varicose veins. One of these procedures can cost you around $400 per visit!!
Talk about a lot of money right!

Well that's why I am going to share with you an alternative solution for this annoyance. It's called Cover FX Total Coverage Cream Foundation.

 I have tried it and it is amazing!! It is a quick fix and something that you can totally apply yourself. It costs $42 and will make a HUGE difference in your confidence level. This product is used by professional makeup artists to hide scars and tattoos.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Hoda and Kathie Lee go Makeup-Less!

Hoda and Kathie Lee decided to go "Makeup Less" on their show. I really give it up to them for being so brave. I really dont think that I would do it? Would you? I did enjoyed the whole concept behind the idea. By removing all pride and daring to say "Hello" to the world without makeup, these ladies have moved to the top of my list! The idea was to answer commonly asked questions about skincare and health. Many of the questions were new to me. Let me know what you think.


Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Shea Butter as Sunscreen?

As the weather begins to warm up in different parts of the world, we begin to spend a whole lot more time outdoors. The sun and its UV rays have a way of harming our skin. For sometime, African American women believed that we are not considered victims to skin cancer. Well that is far from the truth.

Sunscreen can be found in many formulas, brands, types, consistencies and may even cost you a whole lot of money. It can be very confusing when you go to your local drugstore and in front of you is a wall of Varieties! Let me simpilify your search for you. Have you ever used Shea Butter?
I'm not talking about products that consists of 2% or 10% shea butter in them either. I mean 100% Raw Shea Butter! I use Shea Butter on my skin and my childrens' skin and we absolutely love it!!
Here is a link to Raw Shea Butter! Try it for yourself and see!

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

What oil based products do you use on your hair?

Morroccan Oil is a staple product in my hair kit! It works great on all hair types and textures. I have to say that this product will definetly NOT weigh your hair down. This producthas been used by celebrities like; Katy Perry, Halle Berry and Ashlee Simpson. I use Moroccan Oil on my client Toure whenever we are shooting "Flick and a Forecast" which airs on The Weather Channel 8p.m Friday EST. To learn more about Moroccan Oil products, click on the link below.

MOROCCANOIL - Our Products

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Methods for attaching hair extensions

Methods for attaching hair extensions

Here is a link to a website. It gives brief to-the-point information on hair extensions.
What questions have you always had about hair extensions? I have 15 years of experience in this field. I would be glad to answer any questions.


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